Sunday, November 15, 2009

Semper Fi birthday!

Jerry's son-in-law, Frank Moody, sent along these pictures of Jerry at the recent Marine Dinner. Frank writes in the email:
These are some photos from the 234th Marine Corps Birthday Dinner.  My Partner Steve has taken your Dad now for the last three years.  He sits with the Providence Police Marines.  I have to tell you, I'm not sure who looks forward to it more.  Them or your Dad.   One of the guys has posted the photo of the CREW on Facebook.  He refers to your father as the elder gentleman who was at Iwo Jima.  He equates the evening as dining with a ROCK STAR!
Needless to say, Jerry did have a good time.

The cake:

US Marine Corp Birthday Cake

Note: The icing was 'corrected' to show the proper year.

Jerry and Steve Cileli


The full table of Providence Police (all former US Marines) with Jerry:


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Brouillard brunch - logo chocolate

Andy brought some chocolate with the Pepin's Hospitality Centre logo on it to share after our monthly get together this time at Wright's Farm.

Brouillard brunch - logo chocolate from Andy's work, originally uploaded by shersteve.

I had intially propped the chocolate against my coffee cup to take this photo, then realized the chocolate was melting from the heat of the hot coffee. The water glass was a safer prop.

What is the Brouillard's recipe for getting rid of stress?
A great big ol'fashioned family gathering. The table had 18 today. Wright's Farm did it's usually good family style chicken dinner and we were out in about an hour.

Oh, the chocolate was delicious!