Monday, June 13, 2011

Brouillard Brunch - 6/12/11

The Brouillard Brunch gathered at Savini's Restaurant in Woonsocket. A good meal was had by all eleven of us. Topped of with cake to celebrate Flo and Dick's birthdays.

Brouillard Brunch: The cake for Flo and Dick

Flo and Albert had not sat next to each other so they had some catching up to do before leaving

Brouillard Brunch: Flo and Albert


Monday, June 6, 2011

Joyal Brunch: Pig Roast

Michelle and family celebrated Jonathan's graduation with a pig roast and included the Joyal Brunch. A pig roast? Yup! Here is the full pig!

PigRoast_110605 002

Cooked 7 hours at 325, the pig was very nicely done.

PigRoast: cooking in the juices

It came apart easily to make some delicious pulled pork!

PigRoast: the 'pulled pork' part

If you'd like to have your own pig roast, you can contact Dave.

Dave's BBQ