Thanks to all Service members. Especially those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Of course the MARINES hold a special place of honor here.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Jerry will be viewing the RI High School Division II Volleyball championship today between Cranston East and Mount St Charles. Grandson, Kegan Moody, is playing for Cranston East.
The Providence Journal posted an article and has pictures from the semi-finals games here
and the outlook for today's championship game is here:
All photos copyright of the Providence Journal. The originals can be found here:
The Providence Journal posted an article and has pictures from the semi-finals games here
and the outlook for today's championship game is here:
All photos copyright of the Providence Journal. The originals can be found here:
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Street Stories - Memorial Day - 5:30 PM
Street Stories will do a special program on Memorial Day at 5:30 PM featuring several veterans stories that they had covered earlier this year. Jerry's segment is reported to be amongst those for this program.
You can view the video commercial announcing the special presentation here:!/video/video.php?v=1469625387169&ref=mf
You can view the video commercial announcing the special presentation here:!/video/video.php?v=1469625387169&ref=mf
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Episode 10 The Pacific

Great night with Jerry and his fellow Marines!
We started the night off at the Greenville Inn with Jerry his son Steve, Ed Malloy, Carl Weston, Steve Cileli and myself. The usual buffoonery with Ed setting the tone at the dinner table. At one point Gary Tikoian stopped by to exchange pleasantries with everyone and trade barbs with Eddie.
Gary's uncle was Harry Kizirian. Rhode Island's most highly decorated Marine in World War Two. Harry was with E Company, 2 Batt., 22nd Marines, 6th MARDIV.
Jerry 's dad worked for the Post office for 39 years in Providence and was friends with Harry. Jerry met Harry after the war.
Great food and then back to Ed's house and sat down to watch The Pacific. We watched Episode 9 again. Steve Cileli does a great impression of Snafu. We won't delve to far into that. You had to be there.
Ed's wife, Ellie made coffee and provided dessert. She made a special dessert for Jerry. Steve Sherlock and myself gave Jerry a hard time because he usually raids the dessert table at family gatherings. "I like to try one of each to make sure it is safe to eat." Yeah okay!
Ryan Malloy came in to watch the final episode and to meet Jerry. Ryan is a big Marine Corps fan. He'd have to be. His grandfather is legendary Providence Police Lieutenant Ed Malloy, Eddie is a Marine and uncle Carl Weston is also a Marine.
Ryan listen intently to Jerry talk about his experiences in the Pacific with the 4th MARDIV.
Again, Jerry filled in some of the guys about calling a fire mission in on Japanese positions while with JASCO. Ed asked Jerry what weapon he carried and what he liked.
Jerry of course said he liked the M-1 Carbine.
'I carried about ninety rounds with me. Six clips. We would cut a cross or X in the bullet to add stopping power. I would use my pliers and take a file and make the cut. One guy used to sell the ammo. He would cut an X on the top and then sell the ammo for like 20 bucks for a hundred rounds."
It made a difference with the carbine round being equivalent to an A plus P38 special. It turned the bullet into a hollow point. I know some of you people are getting torqued about about the Geneva Convention. Listen, I'm pretty sure if Jerry went to Geneva to fight the Swiss, he'd abide by the Geneva convention.
Jerry spoke about the Japanese getting fired up on Saki and then launching a banzai charge at around 2200 at night.
"They'd get all fired up on the Saki and charge. A couple guys found a cave that was as high as a tenement house. It was loaded with beer and saki. A guard was placed on the cave so the Japs didn't sneak back and get liquored up. A couple days later we came off the line and made a pit stop. We were supposed to get some R and R. Shower, hot chow and rest up. We got into the beer and Saki. Then we got word that the battalion that relieved us got pretty well beaten up. We got word to go back and relieve them. That was pretty rough. I'm not sure how many guys weren't hung over. We smelled pretty bad too. The Japs must have smelled us coming"
When the final episode started it showed guys coming home. Bob Leckie got home and was dropped off by a cab driver. The driver refused to take Leckie's money. The cab driver was a paratrooper who jumped into Normandy. The Paratrooper says the Gyrenes had it tough.
Leckie gets his job back with the paper as a sports writer. He courts Vera Keller.
Lena Basilone goes to New Jersey and meets up with John's parents and brother George. George tells her that he saw the grave site at Iwo and he is with his fellow Marines. I pointed out the shoulder insignia of the Fourth on George Basilone' uniform. Jerry nodded.
Jerry told us about coming home via ship to California. He had to make a deposit for a Marine sergeant.
"This sergeant won $8,000.00 playing craps. He gave several of us $2,000.00 to bring back. We had his bank and name to deposit it in. He told us that if we stiffed him, he'd find us and get the money back or kill us. As soon as I got stateside I deposited the money." Carl Weston asked if Jerry got a fee. "Oh yeah about $500.00 dollars."
The scene cuts out to Sledge and Snafu on the train heading back from the west coast. Jerry told everyone how they boarded trains and headed home. It took six days to go across the country.
"We would stop every morning and get a breakfast and then they'd give us a box lunch for the day. We would pull right into a town and go into a Harvey House and eat. There was a movie that came out called the Harvey Girls. Judy Garland played in the movie. One place, we stopped right in the middle of the town, got out and went to a bar. They had closed the main door and moved everyone to a side entrance. Inside was a long bar filled with beer bottles. You could walk up, pick up your beer and pay for them at the other side. It was one of the most efficient operations I ever saw!
Eventually I got to Washington, DC and attempted to get back to Providence by train. I got picked up by the MP's. They asked for my orders. I was trying to get back to Rhode Island in time for my sister Fran's wedding. I was going to be the best man. She was marrying Vin Campbell. They put me in a truck along with a whole bunch of Marines and we got sent to Bainbridge, MD to muster out. I never made it to the wedding."
Snafu gets to New Orleans and gets up to leave. He looks at Sledge who is asleep. I think we all see Snafu is reluctant to say goodbye. He walks off the train letting Sledge sleep.
Jerry remarked that once he mustered out from Bainbridge, he got back to Rhode Island by train.
"I got to Providence and it was early. So I took a bus to Pawtucket and went home. My mother was there. I wanted to see my father, who was on his mail route in Providence. My mother immediately told me to head back to Providence as my father would be thrilled to see me. He had told everyone that I was in the Marine Corps and was rather proud of me. I went to the Post office and they told me where he would be. So I surprised him on his route and then I walked the route with him. He introduced me to everyone. My sister was still in Hawaii and Jack was still in Europe. Paul was in Paris at SHAPE.( Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe) Tough duty. Ted was still with the Coast Guard and Henry was at sea with the Navy."
Editors Note: Paul was still in high school when Jerry returned home. He was the youngest of the group and didn't get to go to Europe until well after the WWII.
The show concluded with a post script on what happened to each of the Marines. It was uncanny how much the actors looked like the characters they portrayed.
Jerry was a little subdued near the end. I suspect he saw a little of himself in all of the characters. He has told his daughters that the series has evoked some memories.
He told me that he had a long night after the Iwo episode. He laughed but it was his stalwart character kicking in. It was clear that some strong feelings were brought back. We talked at length about Jonesy.
I was able to find some info on Jonesy. He died of his wounds and was buried at sea. He is still listed as missing/buried at sea in Department of Defense records. Jonesy is listed on the Tablet of the Missing in Honolulu at the War Memorial.
Eugene Sledge's father had worried about what would happen to his son after the war. He had treated returning soldiers from World War 1 and had seen the suffering of these veterans.
Sledge and others eventually figured it out and moved forward.
The highlight of the night came when Carl Weston gave Jerry a special gift. Carl had taken part in a contest on line answering questions about the Marine Corps. Carl won and received a bag of volcanic ash from Iwo Jima. Carl built a box, painted it Marine Corps Red and placed the Eagle Globe and Anchor emblem on the top.
Carl presented the box containing the ash from Iwo to Jerry. Jerry is still pretty thrilled over the gift. Something only MARINES would understand. Something so simple yet complex. That box and what it represents to Jerry and Carl transcends the boundaries of a generation of MARINES.
The Pacific is over and it has received great reviews from Jerry. It did bring back some memories. Not all good but he laughs and moves on keeping us all chuckling. Jerry says Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg have hit the mark. He is awaiting the next project from them and has his own ideas.
The blog will continue. As Jerry said the other night; "I have a lot more stories to tell!"
Special thanks to Ellie and Ed Malloy for opening there wonderful home to Jerry and his Gang.
Especially to Ellie for her hospitality.
Thanks to Carl Weston ,Steve Cileli and Ryan Malloy for joining us on the evening of the final episode.
Jerry has been thrilled all week. His time with family and his MARINES mean so much.
"The man who will go where his colors will go, who will fight a phantom foe in a jungle or a mountain range and will suffer and die in the midst of incredible hardship, without complaint, is still what he has always been. He is the stuff of what legions are made. His pride is his colors and his regiment, his training hard and thorough and coldly realistic, to fit him for what he must face and his obedience is to orders. As a legionary, he held the gates of civilization for the classical world... he has been called UNITED STATES MARINE."
Lt. Col. T.R. Fehrenbach, US ARMY in "THIS KIND OF WAR"
We started the night off at the Greenville Inn with Jerry his son Steve, Ed Malloy, Carl Weston, Steve Cileli and myself. The usual buffoonery with Ed setting the tone at the dinner table. At one point Gary Tikoian stopped by to exchange pleasantries with everyone and trade barbs with Eddie.
Gary's uncle was Harry Kizirian. Rhode Island's most highly decorated Marine in World War Two. Harry was with E Company, 2 Batt., 22nd Marines, 6th MARDIV.
Jerry 's dad worked for the Post office for 39 years in Providence and was friends with Harry. Jerry met Harry after the war.
Great food and then back to Ed's house and sat down to watch The Pacific. We watched Episode 9 again. Steve Cileli does a great impression of Snafu. We won't delve to far into that. You had to be there.
Ed's wife, Ellie made coffee and provided dessert. She made a special dessert for Jerry. Steve Sherlock and myself gave Jerry a hard time because he usually raids the dessert table at family gatherings. "I like to try one of each to make sure it is safe to eat." Yeah okay!
Ryan Malloy came in to watch the final episode and to meet Jerry. Ryan is a big Marine Corps fan. He'd have to be. His grandfather is legendary Providence Police Lieutenant Ed Malloy, Eddie is a Marine and uncle Carl Weston is also a Marine.
Ryan listen intently to Jerry talk about his experiences in the Pacific with the 4th MARDIV.
Again, Jerry filled in some of the guys about calling a fire mission in on Japanese positions while with JASCO. Ed asked Jerry what weapon he carried and what he liked.
Jerry of course said he liked the M-1 Carbine.
'I carried about ninety rounds with me. Six clips. We would cut a cross or X in the bullet to add stopping power. I would use my pliers and take a file and make the cut. One guy used to sell the ammo. He would cut an X on the top and then sell the ammo for like 20 bucks for a hundred rounds."
It made a difference with the carbine round being equivalent to an A plus P38 special. It turned the bullet into a hollow point. I know some of you people are getting torqued about about the Geneva Convention. Listen, I'm pretty sure if Jerry went to Geneva to fight the Swiss, he'd abide by the Geneva convention.
Jerry spoke about the Japanese getting fired up on Saki and then launching a banzai charge at around 2200 at night.
"They'd get all fired up on the Saki and charge. A couple guys found a cave that was as high as a tenement house. It was loaded with beer and saki. A guard was placed on the cave so the Japs didn't sneak back and get liquored up. A couple days later we came off the line and made a pit stop. We were supposed to get some R and R. Shower, hot chow and rest up. We got into the beer and Saki. Then we got word that the battalion that relieved us got pretty well beaten up. We got word to go back and relieve them. That was pretty rough. I'm not sure how many guys weren't hung over. We smelled pretty bad too. The Japs must have smelled us coming"
When the final episode started it showed guys coming home. Bob Leckie got home and was dropped off by a cab driver. The driver refused to take Leckie's money. The cab driver was a paratrooper who jumped into Normandy. The Paratrooper says the Gyrenes had it tough.
Leckie gets his job back with the paper as a sports writer. He courts Vera Keller.
Lena Basilone goes to New Jersey and meets up with John's parents and brother George. George tells her that he saw the grave site at Iwo and he is with his fellow Marines. I pointed out the shoulder insignia of the Fourth on George Basilone' uniform. Jerry nodded.
Jerry told us about coming home via ship to California. He had to make a deposit for a Marine sergeant.
"This sergeant won $8,000.00 playing craps. He gave several of us $2,000.00 to bring back. We had his bank and name to deposit it in. He told us that if we stiffed him, he'd find us and get the money back or kill us. As soon as I got stateside I deposited the money." Carl Weston asked if Jerry got a fee. "Oh yeah about $500.00 dollars."
The scene cuts out to Sledge and Snafu on the train heading back from the west coast. Jerry told everyone how they boarded trains and headed home. It took six days to go across the country.
"We would stop every morning and get a breakfast and then they'd give us a box lunch for the day. We would pull right into a town and go into a Harvey House and eat. There was a movie that came out called the Harvey Girls. Judy Garland played in the movie. One place, we stopped right in the middle of the town, got out and went to a bar. They had closed the main door and moved everyone to a side entrance. Inside was a long bar filled with beer bottles. You could walk up, pick up your beer and pay for them at the other side. It was one of the most efficient operations I ever saw!
Eventually I got to Washington, DC and attempted to get back to Providence by train. I got picked up by the MP's. They asked for my orders. I was trying to get back to Rhode Island in time for my sister Fran's wedding. I was going to be the best man. She was marrying Vin Campbell. They put me in a truck along with a whole bunch of Marines and we got sent to Bainbridge, MD to muster out. I never made it to the wedding."
Snafu gets to New Orleans and gets up to leave. He looks at Sledge who is asleep. I think we all see Snafu is reluctant to say goodbye. He walks off the train letting Sledge sleep.
Jerry remarked that once he mustered out from Bainbridge, he got back to Rhode Island by train.
"I got to Providence and it was early. So I took a bus to Pawtucket and went home. My mother was there. I wanted to see my father, who was on his mail route in Providence. My mother immediately told me to head back to Providence as my father would be thrilled to see me. He had told everyone that I was in the Marine Corps and was rather proud of me. I went to the Post office and they told me where he would be. So I surprised him on his route and then I walked the route with him. He introduced me to everyone. My sister was still in Hawaii and Jack was still in Europe. Paul was in Paris at SHAPE.( Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe) Tough duty. Ted was still with the Coast Guard and Henry was at sea with the Navy."
Editors Note: Paul was still in high school when Jerry returned home. He was the youngest of the group and didn't get to go to Europe until well after the WWII.
The show concluded with a post script on what happened to each of the Marines. It was uncanny how much the actors looked like the characters they portrayed.
Jerry was a little subdued near the end. I suspect he saw a little of himself in all of the characters. He has told his daughters that the series has evoked some memories.
He told me that he had a long night after the Iwo episode. He laughed but it was his stalwart character kicking in. It was clear that some strong feelings were brought back. We talked at length about Jonesy.
I was able to find some info on Jonesy. He died of his wounds and was buried at sea. He is still listed as missing/buried at sea in Department of Defense records. Jonesy is listed on the Tablet of the Missing in Honolulu at the War Memorial.
Eugene Sledge's father had worried about what would happen to his son after the war. He had treated returning soldiers from World War 1 and had seen the suffering of these veterans.
Sledge and others eventually figured it out and moved forward.
The highlight of the night came when Carl Weston gave Jerry a special gift. Carl had taken part in a contest on line answering questions about the Marine Corps. Carl won and received a bag of volcanic ash from Iwo Jima. Carl built a box, painted it Marine Corps Red and placed the Eagle Globe and Anchor emblem on the top.
Carl presented the box containing the ash from Iwo to Jerry. Jerry is still pretty thrilled over the gift. Something only MARINES would understand. Something so simple yet complex. That box and what it represents to Jerry and Carl transcends the boundaries of a generation of MARINES.
The Pacific is over and it has received great reviews from Jerry. It did bring back some memories. Not all good but he laughs and moves on keeping us all chuckling. Jerry says Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg have hit the mark. He is awaiting the next project from them and has his own ideas.
The blog will continue. As Jerry said the other night; "I have a lot more stories to tell!"
Special thanks to Ellie and Ed Malloy for opening there wonderful home to Jerry and his Gang.
Especially to Ellie for her hospitality.
Thanks to Carl Weston ,Steve Cileli and Ryan Malloy for joining us on the evening of the final episode.
Jerry has been thrilled all week. His time with family and his MARINES mean so much.
"The man who will go where his colors will go, who will fight a phantom foe in a jungle or a mountain range and will suffer and die in the midst of incredible hardship, without complaint, is still what he has always been. He is the stuff of what legions are made. His pride is his colors and his regiment, his training hard and thorough and coldly realistic, to fit him for what he must face and his obedience is to orders. As a legionary, he held the gates of civilization for the classical world... he has been called UNITED STATES MARINE."
Lt. Col. T.R. Fehrenbach, US ARMY in "THIS KIND OF WAR"
Monday, May 10, 2010
Episode 9 The Pacific
Last night began with the 1st MARDIV moving up though Army lines to take over. Some bantering in the lines about the lack of prisoners comes about. Someone says "...We don't take prisoners." Shortly they come across several US soldiers guarding prisoners on the side of the trail.
Some remarks are made and a confrontation quickly escalates with the Japanese prisoners and the Marines. Something along the line of " I thought we didn't take prisoners. Yeah those are ARMY prisoners." Which quickly got a chuckle from Jerry. Jerry has some strong feelings left over from Saipan when the Marines moved forward and the Army stayed at the line of departure.
They Marines continue to move forward and the action begins right away. The rain and mud quickly deteriorate the Marines morale.
"I was fortunate with the weather. I only recall it raining one night on Iwo. It was a little cool but we just covered up. I don't remember it raining on Saipan or Tinian. That rain and mud must have been tough on Okinawa. I'm glad I didn't go to Korea. I don't do well in the cold. Well back then it didn't bother me when I was young. I'm still glad I didn't go."
"Jack Mainor went and he got hit up at the Chosin Resevoir. His mother got a letter that he was missing. That must have been tough on her. He was evacuated to an Army hospital in Japan. It wasn't until a Marine Officer came in and asked if there were any Marines present. That's how they found out Jack was alive."
In a typical Rhode Island story Jack Mainor was good friends with that Legendary Providence Cop Paul Chalko. He was wounded along with Jack at Chosin. He was a pretty grizzled veteran Sergeant went I got to meet him. Jack Mainor mentioned that he knew Sgt. Chalko and I mentioned it to him. Sort of smoothed things over!
At one point the Marines move forward when the Japanese pull back. Upon reaching the Japanese lines several refugees come down the draw. One of them is crying and trying to pass off a baby. She moves her clothes and a bomb is strapped to her body. The bomb detonates and the Japs push refugees ahead of them with pretty grim results.
"I am glad I didn't have to deal with that. At Saipan the Japanese made the civilians jump off Marpi Point. They had to jump off or get shot. Of course at Iwo we didn't come across any civilians at all."
At one point Sledge is summoned up to call fire in on an enemy strong point. Sledge breaks out a compass and calls for fire. I notice Jerry smiling. Pretty accurate portrayal?
"Oh yeah I was pretty good at that. Of course most of the time I had a map with all grids and coordinates marked off. I'd call for one round for effect. If it was on, I'd shoot the whole battery. If it was a ship they 'd open up with all the five inch guns. A battle ship, that would be the 16 inch guns. Pretty noisy with some good results. Yes I did that quite a bit." He was beaming with the trade mark Sherlock grin!
One of the Marines comes apart and starts firing at the Japanese lines at night. Several Marines try to stop him.
"Good way to get yourself killed. You could get shot by your own guys doing something like that. It happened. Guys reached the breaking point and for everyone it was different. I'm glad it never happened to me. Some guys, you never knew when it would happen. My buddy Sherlock from New York, remember when we talked of him? We were virtually civilians when we got on the ship leaving Hawaii. He lost it at the dock when the ship pulled away. He just didn't think he was going home.
"Guys marking the days in a book or writing down what happened. Not me, one day was the same as the rest. Just glad I got through the day in one piece "
Near the end of the episode the Marines with Sledge and Snafu are sunning themselves by the ocean. They get the word to saddle up. The officer says that a bomb was dropped on Japan and killed alot of Japanese. The Japs might finished.
I asked Jerry when he got the word about the atomic bomb.
"I was in my tent and I heard alot of gunfire. Guys were shooting everything. Couple mortar rounds went out too. When they told me, I started firing my carbine also." He motioned having a carbine in his hands and pulling the trigger. Jerry was giggling at this point. "I had already been practicing hitting beaches out on Maui. I wasn't that happy as I was pretty sure I'd get hit. Given all the casualties I knew I was do to get hit. I just dealt with it. When the bomb was dropped I just couldn't believe that one bomb could do all that damage. One bomb? Then a second bomb was dropped and the emperor surrendered. 250,000 people were killed. Well the alternative was that i and alot of other Americans would have been killed. They signed the peace agreements in Tokyo Bay on the deck of the Missouri. (USS Missouri BB-63).
It was the impossible dream. I was really glad. A lot Marines would have died hitting the home Islands. I know it sounds strange but that was it the war was over with two bombs."
The previews came on for next week and a couple guys had dress blues.
"I never had dress blues. I suppose I would have liked to but I'd had enough. Word came down that Col. Chambers was going to be the Provost Marshal in Shanghai, China. My buddy couldn't go so I was asked. I'd be the aide to Col. Chambers. I thought about and said I'd have to ask permission from my mother." He laughs at this point. You had to ask your mother? You're a combat Marine and you have to ask your mother for permission to go to China?
"Well yes. Listen my mother had seven kids involved one way or another in the war. I wasn't sure she'd approve of that. I didn't know what Jack had been through. I figured I 'd better ask my mother." Again he starts chuckling and adds; " Of course I'm not sure what my frame of mind was back then. I'd seen enough of killing. I was pretty sure a military career wasn't for me at that point. I 'd had enough. I wanted to go home and see my mother and the rest of the family."
What had happened to Jack? Had you heard anything?
"No. I had no idea what Jack had been through. No word at all. I never knew what happened to Jack until I got home. No mail. I was very glad that we were all home in one piece. It was a different time. What I had been through... it was enough. Later on during the Vietnam War I thought I didn't want my sons going through what I'd experienced. I'd go back before they went. It's hard to understand for some people. I knew what to do. Some things you don't ever forget. I would have been able to do the job. Not some kid who didn't know any better."
Jerry makes no apologies for his actions during the war. Nor about his feelings on the Atomic bombs being used. Jerry experienced war in its most simplest, brutal form. No time out, no do over button and no saying " No fair . You hurt my feelings."
So Cowboy up next time you've had a bad day. Your iPod, Cell phone or Laptop freezing up is not the end of the world.
Like Jerry, live for today. Because sometimes, for some people that's all there is at the end of the day. Like the Marines of World War Two fighting, surviving and some dying. Moving forward. All Servicemen and Women for all time. Stop and give them a quick thought.
"There is nothing particularly glorious about sweaty fellows, laden with killing tools, going along to fight.
And yet such a column represents a great deal more then individuals mustered in a division. All that is behind those men is in that column too; the old battles, long forgotten that have secured our nation...traditions of things endured and things accomplished, such as regiments hand down forever... and that abstract thing called patriotism, which I never heard combat soldiers mention- All this passes into the forward zone, to the point of contact, where war is girt with horrors.
And common men endure these horrors and overcome them, along with the insistent yearnings of the belly and the reasonable promptings of fear; and this, I think, is Glory."
Capt. John Thomason USMC ; "FIX BAYONETS" 1926
Some remarks are made and a confrontation quickly escalates with the Japanese prisoners and the Marines. Something along the line of " I thought we didn't take prisoners. Yeah those are ARMY prisoners." Which quickly got a chuckle from Jerry. Jerry has some strong feelings left over from Saipan when the Marines moved forward and the Army stayed at the line of departure.
They Marines continue to move forward and the action begins right away. The rain and mud quickly deteriorate the Marines morale.
"I was fortunate with the weather. I only recall it raining one night on Iwo. It was a little cool but we just covered up. I don't remember it raining on Saipan or Tinian. That rain and mud must have been tough on Okinawa. I'm glad I didn't go to Korea. I don't do well in the cold. Well back then it didn't bother me when I was young. I'm still glad I didn't go."
"Jack Mainor went and he got hit up at the Chosin Resevoir. His mother got a letter that he was missing. That must have been tough on her. He was evacuated to an Army hospital in Japan. It wasn't until a Marine Officer came in and asked if there were any Marines present. That's how they found out Jack was alive."
In a typical Rhode Island story Jack Mainor was good friends with that Legendary Providence Cop Paul Chalko. He was wounded along with Jack at Chosin. He was a pretty grizzled veteran Sergeant went I got to meet him. Jack Mainor mentioned that he knew Sgt. Chalko and I mentioned it to him. Sort of smoothed things over!
At one point the Marines move forward when the Japanese pull back. Upon reaching the Japanese lines several refugees come down the draw. One of them is crying and trying to pass off a baby. She moves her clothes and a bomb is strapped to her body. The bomb detonates and the Japs push refugees ahead of them with pretty grim results.
"I am glad I didn't have to deal with that. At Saipan the Japanese made the civilians jump off Marpi Point. They had to jump off or get shot. Of course at Iwo we didn't come across any civilians at all."
At one point Sledge is summoned up to call fire in on an enemy strong point. Sledge breaks out a compass and calls for fire. I notice Jerry smiling. Pretty accurate portrayal?
"Oh yeah I was pretty good at that. Of course most of the time I had a map with all grids and coordinates marked off. I'd call for one round for effect. If it was on, I'd shoot the whole battery. If it was a ship they 'd open up with all the five inch guns. A battle ship, that would be the 16 inch guns. Pretty noisy with some good results. Yes I did that quite a bit." He was beaming with the trade mark Sherlock grin!
One of the Marines comes apart and starts firing at the Japanese lines at night. Several Marines try to stop him.
"Good way to get yourself killed. You could get shot by your own guys doing something like that. It happened. Guys reached the breaking point and for everyone it was different. I'm glad it never happened to me. Some guys, you never knew when it would happen. My buddy Sherlock from New York, remember when we talked of him? We were virtually civilians when we got on the ship leaving Hawaii. He lost it at the dock when the ship pulled away. He just didn't think he was going home.
"Guys marking the days in a book or writing down what happened. Not me, one day was the same as the rest. Just glad I got through the day in one piece "
Near the end of the episode the Marines with Sledge and Snafu are sunning themselves by the ocean. They get the word to saddle up. The officer says that a bomb was dropped on Japan and killed alot of Japanese. The Japs might finished.
I asked Jerry when he got the word about the atomic bomb.
"I was in my tent and I heard alot of gunfire. Guys were shooting everything. Couple mortar rounds went out too. When they told me, I started firing my carbine also." He motioned having a carbine in his hands and pulling the trigger. Jerry was giggling at this point. "I had already been practicing hitting beaches out on Maui. I wasn't that happy as I was pretty sure I'd get hit. Given all the casualties I knew I was do to get hit. I just dealt with it. When the bomb was dropped I just couldn't believe that one bomb could do all that damage. One bomb? Then a second bomb was dropped and the emperor surrendered. 250,000 people were killed. Well the alternative was that i and alot of other Americans would have been killed. They signed the peace agreements in Tokyo Bay on the deck of the Missouri. (USS Missouri BB-63).
It was the impossible dream. I was really glad. A lot Marines would have died hitting the home Islands. I know it sounds strange but that was it the war was over with two bombs."
The previews came on for next week and a couple guys had dress blues.
"I never had dress blues. I suppose I would have liked to but I'd had enough. Word came down that Col. Chambers was going to be the Provost Marshal in Shanghai, China. My buddy couldn't go so I was asked. I'd be the aide to Col. Chambers. I thought about and said I'd have to ask permission from my mother." He laughs at this point. You had to ask your mother? You're a combat Marine and you have to ask your mother for permission to go to China?
"Well yes. Listen my mother had seven kids involved one way or another in the war. I wasn't sure she'd approve of that. I didn't know what Jack had been through. I figured I 'd better ask my mother." Again he starts chuckling and adds; " Of course I'm not sure what my frame of mind was back then. I'd seen enough of killing. I was pretty sure a military career wasn't for me at that point. I 'd had enough. I wanted to go home and see my mother and the rest of the family."
What had happened to Jack? Had you heard anything?
"No. I had no idea what Jack had been through. No word at all. I never knew what happened to Jack until I got home. No mail. I was very glad that we were all home in one piece. It was a different time. What I had been through... it was enough. Later on during the Vietnam War I thought I didn't want my sons going through what I'd experienced. I'd go back before they went. It's hard to understand for some people. I knew what to do. Some things you don't ever forget. I would have been able to do the job. Not some kid who didn't know any better."
Jerry makes no apologies for his actions during the war. Nor about his feelings on the Atomic bombs being used. Jerry experienced war in its most simplest, brutal form. No time out, no do over button and no saying " No fair . You hurt my feelings."
So Cowboy up next time you've had a bad day. Your iPod, Cell phone or Laptop freezing up is not the end of the world.
Like Jerry, live for today. Because sometimes, for some people that's all there is at the end of the day. Like the Marines of World War Two fighting, surviving and some dying. Moving forward. All Servicemen and Women for all time. Stop and give them a quick thought.
"There is nothing particularly glorious about sweaty fellows, laden with killing tools, going along to fight.
And yet such a column represents a great deal more then individuals mustered in a division. All that is behind those men is in that column too; the old battles, long forgotten that have secured our nation...traditions of things endured and things accomplished, such as regiments hand down forever... and that abstract thing called patriotism, which I never heard combat soldiers mention- All this passes into the forward zone, to the point of contact, where war is girt with horrors.
And common men endure these horrors and overcome them, along with the insistent yearnings of the belly and the reasonable promptings of fear; and this, I think, is Glory."
Capt. John Thomason USMC ; "FIX BAYONETS" 1926
Sunday, May 9, 2010
PVT John Carlyle Jones USMC
PVT. John Carlyle Jones
United States Marine Corps
Service Number 982847
Entered Service From Colorado
Died 26 FEB 1945
Buried at Sea
Purple Heart
Tablets of the Missing Honolulu Memorial
Honolulu, HI
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Episode 8 The Pacific
Jerry gave tonight's episode his seal of approval.
The show started with the 1st MARDIV recuperating from Peleliu. It then moved to John Basilone and followed him on the War Bond Tour, to home to his family and then out to Camp Pendleton with the 5th MARDIV.
John Basilone starts working out and pushes his men hard. Jerry began chuckling about Gunny Basilone barging into the barracks in the middle of the night, waking the Marines up.
He gave me a wry look and said; "What was it they said when they came into wake us up. One DI would always be screaming at us. Oh yeah it went something like this. .......Drop..." Sorry we are G Rated here. You Marines know exactly what the verse is!
Basilone gets married and he winds up with the 5th on Iwo. Jerry immediately said that the 5th was at the opposite end of the beach where he landed.
I asked if the depiction of combat was accurate. "Oh it was a pretty accurate portrayal of how it was. We woke up and they gave us a big breakfast of ham and eggs coffee.... everything. Then we got into the boats at about 0430 and circled. We didn't hit the beach until after 0900. The commanders had to make a decision as to whether we'd hit the beach or not. The thing that sticks out was the Volcanic ash. I ran on alot of beaches. Iwo was different. You couldn't get traction to run. It was extremely difficult and slowed everyone down in getting off the beach. You would dig a fox hole and it would collapse.
I can remember jumping into a hole and starting a conversation with a guy. It was a one sided conversation. I checked and he was dead. Wounded and dead were everywhere. You have to understand that almost 1800 guys were piling onto the beach from every wave. Too many guys were put on the beach at the same time.
I really feel that alot of the casualties resulted from the poor traction. You couldn't go anywhere fast. So if you were getting shot at it was tough running on the beach. I think that's why so many guys got hit. No where to go and everyone bunched up.
I finally saw a bunch of guys underneath a pill box. They weren't getting shot at as the Japanese couldn't get the angle. So I ran to where they were. Then I threw a couple of grenades up at the pillbox. Eventually some demolition guys came over and they put bangalore torpedos underneath. They called "fire in the hole". Then dropped the Pillbox down the hill. We cleaned it out and used it as a commo bunker with all of our radios.
The medics got pretty busy. They did a tremendous job."
When did you know about Basilone getting hit?
"It wasn't for several days later that we found out. We were busy with are own stuff and when it came out that he was killed it overshadowed alot of other people who got killed. Basilone was famous because of his actions at Guadalcanal. Some high ranking officers were killed on Iwo. More was said about Basilone because of his exploits."
When did Jonesy get hit?
"Jonesy got hit about eight or nine days after we landed. That was awful hard. I was close to him because we had formed a bond in combat. We had cleaned out caves together on Saipan. We lost so many guys in a short amount of time at Iwo.
I was sitting there on the beach after Jones got hit a second time in the landing craft. Another Marine came along and asked if I was OK. I said I am alive." The Marine replied. " Ok grab your gear and move out . We got to get back up to the front." So off I moved. It wasn't the same though." Jerry continued
I wasn't really close in a sense to anyone else. Jones and I had a special bond. We had been through alot at Saipan. I went out for a beer with the replacements but it was different."(Back in Hawaii)
We also didn't experience any Banzai charges like on Saipan. The Japanese commander told each Imperial soldier to kill at least 10 of us. At the end sometime in March the Japs did launch a surprise attack on the airfield. Quite a few guys got killed. All the Japs were killed though."
Jones suffered a leg injury where most of his leg was gone. A tourniquet was placed on his leg. Jerry and several Marines rushed him to the beach. Jones was put on an LCVP with other wounded Marines. As the boat was heading out to the hospital ship it took a direct hit. Jerry immediately swam out with other Marines and they brought the wounded to shore.
Jones had now lost his left arm in addition to his leg. Jerry never says who, but I suspect he placed the tourniquet on Jones. Jerry put Jones along with the wounded on another boat and it went to the the hospital ship.
Jerry got word several days later that Jones had died on the ship.
Some of you have heard a version of this story. This episode opened up some more chapters in Jerry's life. It is the story of a Marine in combat. Hard and brutal. Somethings that won't ever be forgotten. Jonesy and Jerry were tight. That was made very clear.
"Just cruel and unusual punishment is all I can think of what happened. Guys getting hit multiple times. We'd fix a guy up and he'd get hit again. It was so unfair in a sense. I just still don't understand why. To this day... I was just so very lucky. I never realized how lucky I really was. I found out not to long ago that of 900 guys that hit the beach at Iwo Jima in my unit, only 150 walked off." Jerry got that far away look and shrugged his shoulders.
We spoke of things that took place in the days afterwards and then when he left Iwo. Higher Headquarters put out the word looking for volunteers to man the Navy Chow Lines. FOOD??? What Sherlock would say no to food? ( Damn near had a riot on Sunday when he was put on portions for dessert after Kegan's confirmation.)
Jerry left Iwo Jima and moved onto a US Navy ship. The Sailors treated him well upon arrival. Jerry prepped the chow on the Navy vessel.
"I was pretty ragged. The sailors ran a hot shower and then put me in Navy dungarees. They made me steak and I got to eat plenty of ice cream. They really treated me very well. Eventually a Gunny caught up to me just before we got to Hawaii and told me to put on USMC dungarees. That was the end of that." That trademark grin and laugh.
Jerry would commence training for an as of yet undetermined target. He felt that it may have been Honsho.
Jack Sherlock was in a Tank Destroyer Battalion pushing through German lines.
"My brother Jack was involved at the battle of the Remagen Bridge and helped capture it."
That battle took place 7-8 March 1945. German troops did attempt to blew it but it was a low order detonation. The bridge was captured intact and vehicles got over it. The bridge finally did collapse on 17 March-1945.
Gunnery Sgt. John Basilone lay at Iwo Jima unti his remains were moved to Arlington National Cemetary in 1948.
27 Medals of Honor were awarded for actions at Iwo Jima. 23 to US MARINES. 4 to Sailors.
That would amount to 28% of the 82 Medals of Honor awarded to the Marine Corps in World War Two.
More Medals of Honor then any other Battle to date.
25,851 casualties. 1 in 3 would die.
6,285 Americans were killed there. US Marines, Sailors and Coast Guardsmen.
One of those was PFC Jones 1st JASCO 3rd BN 25th Marines 4th MARDIV from Colorado.
"Among the men who fought at Iwo Jima, Uncommon Valor was a Common Virtue."
Admiral ChesterW. Nimitz
March 1945
The show started with the 1st MARDIV recuperating from Peleliu. It then moved to John Basilone and followed him on the War Bond Tour, to home to his family and then out to Camp Pendleton with the 5th MARDIV.
John Basilone starts working out and pushes his men hard. Jerry began chuckling about Gunny Basilone barging into the barracks in the middle of the night, waking the Marines up.
He gave me a wry look and said; "What was it they said when they came into wake us up. One DI would always be screaming at us. Oh yeah it went something like this. .......Drop..." Sorry we are G Rated here. You Marines know exactly what the verse is!
Basilone gets married and he winds up with the 5th on Iwo. Jerry immediately said that the 5th was at the opposite end of the beach where he landed.
I asked if the depiction of combat was accurate. "Oh it was a pretty accurate portrayal of how it was. We woke up and they gave us a big breakfast of ham and eggs coffee.... everything. Then we got into the boats at about 0430 and circled. We didn't hit the beach until after 0900. The commanders had to make a decision as to whether we'd hit the beach or not. The thing that sticks out was the Volcanic ash. I ran on alot of beaches. Iwo was different. You couldn't get traction to run. It was extremely difficult and slowed everyone down in getting off the beach. You would dig a fox hole and it would collapse.
I can remember jumping into a hole and starting a conversation with a guy. It was a one sided conversation. I checked and he was dead. Wounded and dead were everywhere. You have to understand that almost 1800 guys were piling onto the beach from every wave. Too many guys were put on the beach at the same time.
I really feel that alot of the casualties resulted from the poor traction. You couldn't go anywhere fast. So if you were getting shot at it was tough running on the beach. I think that's why so many guys got hit. No where to go and everyone bunched up.
I finally saw a bunch of guys underneath a pill box. They weren't getting shot at as the Japanese couldn't get the angle. So I ran to where they were. Then I threw a couple of grenades up at the pillbox. Eventually some demolition guys came over and they put bangalore torpedos underneath. They called "fire in the hole". Then dropped the Pillbox down the hill. We cleaned it out and used it as a commo bunker with all of our radios.
The medics got pretty busy. They did a tremendous job."
When did you know about Basilone getting hit?
"It wasn't for several days later that we found out. We were busy with are own stuff and when it came out that he was killed it overshadowed alot of other people who got killed. Basilone was famous because of his actions at Guadalcanal. Some high ranking officers were killed on Iwo. More was said about Basilone because of his exploits."
When did Jonesy get hit?
"Jonesy got hit about eight or nine days after we landed. That was awful hard. I was close to him because we had formed a bond in combat. We had cleaned out caves together on Saipan. We lost so many guys in a short amount of time at Iwo.
I was sitting there on the beach after Jones got hit a second time in the landing craft. Another Marine came along and asked if I was OK. I said I am alive." The Marine replied. " Ok grab your gear and move out . We got to get back up to the front." So off I moved. It wasn't the same though." Jerry continued
I wasn't really close in a sense to anyone else. Jones and I had a special bond. We had been through alot at Saipan. I went out for a beer with the replacements but it was different."(Back in Hawaii)
We also didn't experience any Banzai charges like on Saipan. The Japanese commander told each Imperial soldier to kill at least 10 of us. At the end sometime in March the Japs did launch a surprise attack on the airfield. Quite a few guys got killed. All the Japs were killed though."
Jones suffered a leg injury where most of his leg was gone. A tourniquet was placed on his leg. Jerry and several Marines rushed him to the beach. Jones was put on an LCVP with other wounded Marines. As the boat was heading out to the hospital ship it took a direct hit. Jerry immediately swam out with other Marines and they brought the wounded to shore.
Jones had now lost his left arm in addition to his leg. Jerry never says who, but I suspect he placed the tourniquet on Jones. Jerry put Jones along with the wounded on another boat and it went to the the hospital ship.
Jerry got word several days later that Jones had died on the ship.
Some of you have heard a version of this story. This episode opened up some more chapters in Jerry's life. It is the story of a Marine in combat. Hard and brutal. Somethings that won't ever be forgotten. Jonesy and Jerry were tight. That was made very clear.
"Just cruel and unusual punishment is all I can think of what happened. Guys getting hit multiple times. We'd fix a guy up and he'd get hit again. It was so unfair in a sense. I just still don't understand why. To this day... I was just so very lucky. I never realized how lucky I really was. I found out not to long ago that of 900 guys that hit the beach at Iwo Jima in my unit, only 150 walked off." Jerry got that far away look and shrugged his shoulders.
We spoke of things that took place in the days afterwards and then when he left Iwo. Higher Headquarters put out the word looking for volunteers to man the Navy Chow Lines. FOOD??? What Sherlock would say no to food? ( Damn near had a riot on Sunday when he was put on portions for dessert after Kegan's confirmation.)
Jerry left Iwo Jima and moved onto a US Navy ship. The Sailors treated him well upon arrival. Jerry prepped the chow on the Navy vessel.
"I was pretty ragged. The sailors ran a hot shower and then put me in Navy dungarees. They made me steak and I got to eat plenty of ice cream. They really treated me very well. Eventually a Gunny caught up to me just before we got to Hawaii and told me to put on USMC dungarees. That was the end of that." That trademark grin and laugh.
Jerry would commence training for an as of yet undetermined target. He felt that it may have been Honsho.
Jack Sherlock was in a Tank Destroyer Battalion pushing through German lines.
"My brother Jack was involved at the battle of the Remagen Bridge and helped capture it."
That battle took place 7-8 March 1945. German troops did attempt to blew it but it was a low order detonation. The bridge was captured intact and vehicles got over it. The bridge finally did collapse on 17 March-1945.
Gunnery Sgt. John Basilone lay at Iwo Jima unti his remains were moved to Arlington National Cemetary in 1948.
27 Medals of Honor were awarded for actions at Iwo Jima. 23 to US MARINES. 4 to Sailors.
That would amount to 28% of the 82 Medals of Honor awarded to the Marine Corps in World War Two.
More Medals of Honor then any other Battle to date.
25,851 casualties. 1 in 3 would die.
6,285 Americans were killed there. US Marines, Sailors and Coast Guardsmen.
One of those was PFC Jones 1st JASCO 3rd BN 25th Marines 4th MARDIV from Colorado.
"Among the men who fought at Iwo Jima, Uncommon Valor was a Common Virtue."
Admiral ChesterW. Nimitz
March 1945
Marine Corps Weapons

1917 Revolver

Colt 1911A1
Reising M55

Wold War II saw the defense industry playing a big catch up game with weapons for the War effort.
We have already profiled some weapons here. Several manufacturers such as Harrington and Richardson in Worcester and United Defense in New Haven began jumping in with all makes of submachine guns. The Reising Model 55 with a folding stock was adopted by the Fleet Marine Force (FMF), Raiders and ParaMarines. Marines carried them into Guadalcanal with some dismal results. It was a .45 Auto Caliber closed bolt SMG. (The Thompson SMG fired from an open bolt.) It contained more moving parts. Like the Reising, it was also hand fitted. Meaning that the parts were not interchangeable. The Reising was designed for Law Enforcment where hand fitted parts might not make a difference. However, in a combat environment where field maintenance was everyday, it became a problem. Eventually the Resing was pulled from the FMF.
"I wanted the Thompson SMG. I thought I was qualifying with it at Hawaii and I'd be able to get issued. Apparently, the course didn't conform to Marine Corps standards. I ended up with the Carbine. I didn't like the BAR. Heavy and it recoiled pretty hard. We had to fam fire all the weapons in case something happened, we knew how to operate everything."
Other weapons we've seen are the M1917 Revolver. Manufactured by Colt and Smith & Wesson. It required half moon clips that you'd put the .45 ACP rounds into and then load into the cylinder. It was a manstopper. Eugene Sledge's character is seen sporting one with a lanyard and the 1917 Cavalry holster. Standard fair back in the day when carrying the 1917 Revolver.
Jerry's fellow Marine, Jones carried a Colt Single Action Army in a western rig. I asked Jerry about Marines carrying various pistols.
"It was personal thing if guys had them they carried them. No one said anything because we were in combat. You wouldn't get away with it Stateside. In combat it was different. It was nice to have a pistol when Jones and I had to clear caves."
The Thompson enjoyed much fame. Carried by gangsters in the Roaring Twenties. Anyone could buy them back them. John Dillinger and Machine Gun Kelly made them famous. Designed by Col. John Thompson for Trench warfare, it was a heavy but dependable weapon. Several models were fielded. It came with a 20 round box or stick magazine. The Tommy gun fired from an open bolt. You can use the magazine to repel boarders if required. Fully loaded it is pretty heavy. A fifty round drum magazine was issued early in the war but it proved cumbersome.

Reising M55

Wold War II saw the defense industry playing a big catch up game with weapons for the War effort.
My grandfather who was a a National Guard officer told me of picking up weapons all over New England and shipping them to England for Lend Lease. People donated rifles, shotguns and pistols of every make. Meanwhile the War Department was scrambling to mass produce weapons for the US Army and Marine Corps.
We have already profiled some weapons here. Several manufacturers such as Harrington and Richardson in Worcester and United Defense in New Haven began jumping in with all makes of submachine guns. The Reising Model 55 with a folding stock was adopted by the Fleet Marine Force (FMF), Raiders and ParaMarines. Marines carried them into Guadalcanal with some dismal results. It was a .45 Auto Caliber closed bolt SMG. (The Thompson SMG fired from an open bolt.) It contained more moving parts. Like the Reising, it was also hand fitted. Meaning that the parts were not interchangeable. The Reising was designed for Law Enforcment where hand fitted parts might not make a difference. However, in a combat environment where field maintenance was everyday, it became a problem. Eventually the Resing was pulled from the FMF.
When Jerry got to Hawaii he qualified with an M1 Carbine. He wanted the Colt .45 1911A1, it had great stopping power but I think he was glad to have the Carbine.
He " Fam" ( familiarization) fired the Thompson SMG, 1911A1, 1919a1 Light Machinegun, Browning Automatic Rifle and the MA DEUCE. Browning .50 Cal Heavy Machine gun.
"I wanted the Thompson SMG. I thought I was qualifying with it at Hawaii and I'd be able to get issued. Apparently, the course didn't conform to Marine Corps standards. I ended up with the Carbine. I didn't like the BAR. Heavy and it recoiled pretty hard. We had to fam fire all the weapons in case something happened, we knew how to operate everything."
Other weapons we've seen are the M1917 Revolver. Manufactured by Colt and Smith & Wesson. It required half moon clips that you'd put the .45 ACP rounds into and then load into the cylinder. It was a manstopper. Eugene Sledge's character is seen sporting one with a lanyard and the 1917 Cavalry holster. Standard fair back in the day when carrying the 1917 Revolver.
Jerry's fellow Marine, Jones carried a Colt Single Action Army in a western rig. I asked Jerry about Marines carrying various pistols.
"It was personal thing if guys had them they carried them. No one said anything because we were in combat. You wouldn't get away with it Stateside. In combat it was different. It was nice to have a pistol when Jones and I had to clear caves."
The Thompson enjoyed much fame. Carried by gangsters in the Roaring Twenties. Anyone could buy them back them. John Dillinger and Machine Gun Kelly made them famous. Designed by Col. John Thompson for Trench warfare, it was a heavy but dependable weapon. Several models were fielded. It came with a 20 round box or stick magazine. The Tommy gun fired from an open bolt. You can use the magazine to repel boarders if required. Fully loaded it is pretty heavy. A fifty round drum magazine was issued early in the war but it proved cumbersome.
See you tonight after "The Pacific".
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