Saturday, July 24, 2010


Of all the games the Joyals played during the summer, horseshoes at the lake or in the backyard has to be the number one memory. I recall that the Sherlock gatherings didn't involve games as I was growing up. They were more formal dressed up affairs.

Growing up and watching the men play, Pepe seemed to be on the winning team a lot. The duo trying to play against his team had a hard time. He could get a ringer or two on each pair of tosses. So pitching against him, you needed to get a ring or two to match, or else!

The NY Times has an article about the current horseshoe champion who regularly throws a ringer 80% or the time and in last years championship broke 90%.

That is some serious pitching!

Pepe and the uncles wouldn't have stood much of a chance against Alan Francis.

You can read the NY Times article here

and see a slideshow here

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